
The Local Response to the NHS Long Term Plan: the Sussex Health & Care Plan

Date of Meeting:

22 January 2020

Report of:

Executive Lead for Strategy, Governance & Law

Contact Officer:


Giles Rossington


01273 295514



Ward(s) affected:








NHS England (NHSE) – oversees NHS across England


NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) – strategic ten year plan for the NHS in England


Sussex Health & Care Plan (SHCP) – Sussex response to the LTP (separate plans for Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex will support the SHCP)


CCG Annual Operating Plan (AOP) – CCG business/operational plan for the coming year


Primary Care Network (PCN) – PCNs are clusters of GP practices, community health, social care and third sector services based on communities of around 50,000 people


Integrated Care System (ICS) – ICSs are regional (e.g. Sussex) partnerships of health and care commissioners and providers


NHS Five Year Forward View – the long term NHS plan that preceded the 2019 NHS LTP


NHS Mandate – the NHS budget allocation and strategic objectives, set annually by Government







1.1         NHS England (NHSE) published the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) in 2019. The LTP sets out the strategic vision for the NHS for the next ten years. Local areas (e.g. Sussex) were required to submit their plans to implement the LTP in November 2019. These are currently undergoing a process of evaluation by NHSE, with revised local plans expected to be signed-off in early 2020.


1.2         It is anticipated that Sussex HOSCs will be in a position to individually scrutinise the definitive version of the Sussex Health & Care Plan (SHCP) in March 2020. In addition, HOSCs will then be able to scrutinise the three local plans (for Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex) that feed into the SHCP as well as individual CCG Annual Operating Plans (AOP) for 2020-21 which are effectively the Year 1 implementation plans for the SHCP.


1.3         In the meantime, CCG colleagues have been asked to explain some of the key aspects of the LTP, including: the increased focus on ‘neighbourhoods as key units for health and care service delivery; and the creation of new local and regional NHS structures: Primary Care Networks (PCN) and Integrated Care Systems (ICS). Slides provided by the CCG are included as Appendix 1 to this report.


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1         That members note the CCG presentation on key aspects of the NHS Long Term Plan; and


2.2         That members note that there will be more substantive scrutiny of the local response to the NHS Long Term Plan once this response (The Sussex Health & Care Plan) has been finalised.




3.1         NHSE is responsible for setting the strategic direction of NHS services in England in accordance with the NHS Mandate. The NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) published in 2019 supersedes the NHS Five Year Forward View (2014-19) as the key document setting out NHSE’s vision. The LTP will be complemented by annual NHS planning guidance.


3.2         The LTP is in many respects a continuation of the vision expressed in the NHS Five Year Forward View. However, there are a number of areas in which the LTP requires a different focus or the development of new NHS structures. There is a particular focus on population health/prevention going forward. This is strongly linked to plans to improve data collection, sharing and analysis, enabling services to identify people at risk of poor health and better target services. There is additionally a focus on delivering services to ‘neighbourhoods’ of 30 – 50,000 people.


3.3         The strategic vision of the LTP will be underpinned by new NHS structures. Primary Care Networks (PCNs) will bring together primary and community health and care services for communities of around 50,000 people – there are seven PCNs already operating across Brighton & Hove. Integrated Care Systems will be informal partnerships of health and care commissioners and providers, organised on a regional basis (e.g. Sussex).


3.4         The Sussex Health & Care Plan will provide more details on these structures and on planning for a wide range of individual service areas (cancer, mental health etc.). The intention is to bring the plan to the March 2020 HOSC meeting.




4.1         The Sussex Health & Care Plan is currently being revised and has not yet been finalised. The intention is that the final plan is presented at the March 2020 HOSC meeting.


4.2         The current report presents an opportunity for members to familiarise themselves with some of the key concepts and structures that will underpin the SHCP. This is a report to note so there are no alternative options to consider.




5.1         None undertaken in relation to this report. Members may wish to discuss with the CCG their plans to engage or consult on elements of the SHCP.


6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         This report presents an opportunity for members to familiarise themselves with some of the key concepts and organisational structures that will underpin the NHS’s long term strategic planning.






Financial Implications:


7.1         None to this report for information




Legal Implications:


7.2         There are no legal implications.


            Lawyer Consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date: 02/01/2020



            Equalities Implications:


7.3         None at this stage. It is anticipated that the Sussex Health & Care Plan will address equalities issues and members may be particularly interested in CCG plans to engage with protected groups and harder to reach communities on aspects of the SHCP.


            Sustainability Implications:


7.4         None at this stage. Implementation of the NHS LTP is likely to require greater integration of health services across Sussex and this may lead to longer journeys for treatment for some patients. The degree to which this may be balanced by the delivery of more services at home or in the community is currently unclear, but where there is an expectation that people may need to travel further to access services, members may wish to explore what planning has taken place to ensure that sustainable and affordable travel options are developed alongside new treatment pathways.


Any Other Significant Implications:




            Crime & Disorder Implications:


7.5       None identified at this stage.


            Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:


7.6       None at this stage. The NHS LTP will require significant changes to current ways of working, in particular the development of more regional partnership working and the re-orientation of many local services to the ‘communities’ served by PCNs. As local LTP planning develops, this will need to be reflected in organisational and citywide risk and opportunity planning.


            Public Health Implications:


7.7       Public health is intrinsic to the delivery of the NHS LTP. AS local LTP planning develops, members may be interested to explore the degree to which nationally set public health funding arrangements support the LTP vision.


            Corporate / Citywide Implications:


7.8       See 7.6 above.









1.         Presentation from Brighton & Hove CCG




Background Documents


1.         The NHS Long Term Plan (2019)